Baloch Long March in Islamabad Triggers Tensions

The Baloch Solidarity Committee’s (BSC) Baloch long march, led by Chairperson Dr Maharang Baloch, unfolded in the heart of Islamabad on a chaotic night. The peaceful rally quickly turned into a clash between officials and protestors.

According to Islamabad’s Senior Superintendent of Police Operations, roughly 250 demonstrators, including 12 children and 45 women, arrived at Peshawar Toll Plaza at 1700 hours on December 20.

Negotiations with law enforcement authorities were unsuccessful when the BSC refused invitations to demonstrate at specified places, instead deciding to enter Islamabad around 26 No Chungi.

According to the report, despite police cautions and offers of alternate demonstration locations in the H-9 sector or F-9 Park, the demonstrators armed with batons marched to the National Press Club (NPC), where they shut down both sides of the road.

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Due to security concerns, authorities notified them that protests were prohibited in the Red Zone/High-Security Zone (HSZ).

By 01:00 a.m., the situation had escalated as protestors armed with batons pushed approached the HSZ Marriott entrance. In response, police fired non-lethal tear gas shells and water cannons to disperse the gathering near Ayub Chowk.

Stones were hurled at police officers at Chungi No. 26, leading to arrests and the dispersal of demonstrators around 03:00 a.m.

At 03:20 a.m., 40 to 80 demonstrators retreated from Ayub Chowk but dispersed before the Press Club. Fortunately, no injuries were recorded, except for one female protestor who became ill and sought treatment at PIMS Hospital.

A total of 283 people were detained, including 282 men and one woman, and two FIRs were filed against the demonstrators for infractions and offensive slogans directed at the State and the Islamabad Police. During the event, 14 male demonstrators were hurt and three police officers were injured.

The situation was ultimately brought under control around 03:30 a.m., with roadways cleared as a result of law enforcement authorities working together.

The District Administration, ICT Police, and other law enforcement organizations all worked together to ensure that the problem was resolved properly.

Despite the difficulties, police personnel displayed efficiency, commitment, and determination in dealing with the complicated situations that arose from the BSC’s lengthy march, demonstrating the delicate balance between the right to protest and the maintenance of public order, according to the report.

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My name is Muhammad Ehsan I had been part of different websites and news agencies as well. I am interested in Media and news writing.

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