Protecting The Rights Of Transgender, Trans Inclusive Learning Center Has Been Inaugurated For The First Time In Pakistan.

Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training Rana Tanveer Hussain inaugurated the Inclusive Translating Center in Islamabad on Tuesday and said that in my capacity as a team I am very happy to be present at this installation because we transgender people who have their birthright.  They are giving to get education

Bold Step

Speaking at the inaugural session, the federal minister said that education is a right for everyone, regardless of gender, race and religion, and emphasized that transgender people have the same rights as others in the community.  They will also be given the same rights in Pakistan so that they can also play their role in the development of Pakistan

He further said that this is a bold step that we have taken and to make it successful we need the help of different sectors of the community.

In order to encourage transgender students who have more than 75 percent attendance, they will be given a daily stipend of Rs. 500 By giving daily stipend, their financial difficulties will be removed and their financial difficulties will not hinder their education.

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My name is Muhammad Ehsan I had been part of different websites and news agencies as well. I am interested in Media and news writing.

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