Pakistan Airstrike in Iran: Details of Weaponry Pakistan Used in Iran Strike

In a recent military action, Pakistan used a variety of advanced weapons against Iran in response to a breach of its airspace.

The precision attacks codenamed ‘Marg Bar Sarmachar,’ targeted terrorist hideouts in Iran’s Sistan-o-Baluchestan province.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the operation featured carefully coordinated and precisely targeted military operations, which resulted in the deaths of numerous terrorists.

This reprisal occurred less than 48 hours after Iran’s foray into Pakistan when they struck claimed camps for the jihadist organization Jaish al-Adl in the border town of Panjgur in Balochistan.

The Iranian attacks caused several civilian fatalities. Following Tehran’s “unprovoked violation of its airspace,” Pakistan declared yesterday that it will withdraw its ambassador to Iran.

Furthermore, the Iranian ambassador to Pakistan, who is now in Iran, has been directed not to return for the time being.

Pakistan reiterated its persistent worries about safe havens for Pakistani-origin terrorists within Iran. The Foreign Office said that many dossiers with actual information had been shared with Iran, expressing dissatisfaction at the lack of action.

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Weapons Used by Pakistan

The Pakistan Armed Forces used JF-17 Thunders equipped with REK standoff precision-guided munitions, Wing Loong II drones equipped with precision-guided munitions, loitering munitions from ground and air drones, F-16s equipped with precision-guided bombs, and A-100 MLRS artillery rockets.

Pakistan’s primary attack package also comprised JF-17 Thunder fighter planes from the No. 2 ‘Minhasians’ Multirole Squadron, which was stationed at PAF Base Masroor in Karachi and was part of the Southern Air Command PAF’s 39th Tactical Wing.

Furthermore, Pakistan’s primary Precision Guided Munition (PGM) used in these attacks was the GIDS B-REK (Boosted Range Extension Kit). This rocket-powered glide bomb precision-guided weapon has an amazing range of 170 kilometers.

The STRATCOM Bureau, Pakistan Strategic Forum’s (PSF) section, an independent think tank staffed by an international team of intelligence researchers, released information about the weapons.

On the other hand, Sistan and Baluchistan province’s deputy governor Alireza Marhamati in an interview on state television acknowledged Pakistan’s airstrikes within its territory. He said that the strikes killed seven foreign nationals, including three ladies and four children.

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