Punjab Demands Extension in Winter Holidays for Schools

Many Punjab residents are using social media to express their demand for an extension in winter holidays for schools during the recent cold weather.

This is in response to a recent declaration made by Punjab Chief Minister (CM) Mohsin Naqvi stating that there are no plans to prolong the winter break for college or school students above the prearranged time.

In a recent post on X (formerly Twitter), a person expressed concerns about the severe weather and tagged CM Naqvi and other Punjab agencies. The user emphasized that it is dangerous for school-age children to go outside due to the harsh cold and encouraged the government to extend the winter break.

Also Read: CM Punjab Remarks on Extension of Winter Vacation in Punjab

The article expressed sincere concerns for the safety of students, highlighting the approaching end of the holidays and the current cold weather.

There has been no official word as of Sunday, January 7, 2024, at 6:15 AM on the extension of the winter vacation.

Although there is a growing clamor on social media for more holidays, the authorities have not yet indicated that they will be changing their current plans for the academic calendar.

In a previous declaration, Punjab’s Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi made it clear that the winter break would extend till January 9, 2024.

There are currently no plans to declare extra holidays, and the Education Department’s suggestions will be the only basis for any decision to extend school vacations.

Several social media users, however, have criticized the government’s decision, voicing worries about the health and safety of students—especially young ones—during Punjab’s extreme cold.

Opponents contend that reevaluating the decision to not prolong winter holidays is necessary because of the possibility of students being sick from exposure to the cold.

The discussion about extending the winter break for schools is still going strong on social media, as parents, students, and educators are keeping a close eye out for any new developments or formal declarations from the Punjab government.

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My name is Muhammad Ehsan I had been part of different websites and news agencies as well. I am interested in Media and news writing.

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