Karachi Medical College Raises MBBS and BDS Fees by Over 150%

Increase in MBBS and BDS fees by more than 150%, as per the Karachi Medical and Dental School. New fees have likewise been implemented.

Following the permission of the KMDC’s administering board, driven by Karachi Mayor Murtaza Wahab, Dr. Nargis Anjum, the head of the association, has likewise given a warning to guarantee the cost increment.

The notice expresses that the open merit admission expense has been raised from Rs. 30,000 to Rs. 50,000. There has been an expansion in the educational cost of Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 117,600 and the library charge from Rs. 3,500 to Rs. 10,000.

Moreover, the social cost for students has been raised from Rs. 8,000 to Rs. 10,000. The association has set up expenses for development charges of Rs. 30,000, research center costs of Rs. 10,000, and IT charges of Rs. 5,000.

Also Read: Tips on How to Get Discounts for MBBS and BDS Tuition Fees in Pakistan

The merit seat cost was raised altogether from Rs. 101,500 to Rs. 268,600 this year. Also, the confirmation cost for the self-finance part has expanded by Rs. 80,000 from Rs. 20,000 to Rs. 100,000 this year.

The Rs. 600,000 educational cost has been raised to Rs. 1.2 million, a 100 percent increment. There has been an expansion in the travel expense from Rs. 20,000 to Rs. 36,000. Besides, oneself money seat, which was previously esteemed at Rs. 651,500, has expanded altogether to Rs. 1,421,000.

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