New Restrictions Make Studying in Canada Tougher

Changes to Canada’s policy for foreign students arriving after January 1, 2024, have been announced. New restrictions make studying in Canada tougher for prospective candidates for study permits and international students already residing in Canada were released by Canada’s Immigration Minister, Marc Miller.

To make sure that overseas students are adequately prepared financially for life in Canada, the minister said that the cost of living for those applying for study permits will double as of January 1, 2024. After January 1, 2024, it is expected to cost the students $20,635 for each new study visa applicant.

Second, until April 30, 2024, international students will be exempt from the 20-hour weekly cap on the amount of time they can spend working off campus while classes are in progress.

Up until April 30, 2024, foreign students who currently reside in Canada and those who have applied for a study permit by December 7, 2023, will be permitted to work more than 20 hours a week off campus.


“An additional 18-month work permit was provided to post-graduation work permit holders as their initial work permit was expiring on three separate occasions due to labor market disruptions during the pandemic and post-pandemic recovery.

Foreign nationals having a post-graduation work permit which is expiring up to December 31, 2023, remain eligible to apply. But this temporary policy will not be extended further,” he continued.

Following the escalating housing issue and the flood of overseas students, Canadian authorities have taken the following actions. Financial difficulties that graduate students face after graduation need to be addressed.

Speaking of Pakistan, students will now reconsider their trip to Canada. The price has skyrocketed, and the amount that must be invested has doubled.

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My name is Muhammad Ehsan I had been part of different websites and news agencies as well. I am interested in Media and news writing.

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