To combat climate challenges, Pakistan Cables and UET are hosting a discussion series on adopting sustainable practices

A seminar on sustainability in engineering was held by Pakistan Cables, in collaboration with the University of Engineering and Technology (UET), with the theme “Ignite Possibilities,” to inspire upcoming engineers to assume leadership positions in sustainable development. The event was part of the company’s 70th anniversary celebrations.

We have made innovation and cutting-edge research the cornerstones of our business for the past 70 years.

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Pakistan Cables CEO Fahd K. Chinoy stated, “Our goal to support sustainability platforms to transform how we view engineering and its role in securing our future will fuel Pakistan Cables for the next decades.”

Three master seminars on the fundamentals of sustainable engineering were given throughout the event. Sana Ibrahim, a trustee and development director of Bondh E Shams, Raza Ali Dada, managing partner of Nayyar Ali Dada & Associates, and Imrana Tiwana, convener of Lahore Bachao Tehreek and board member of Lahore Conservation Society, gave these presentations.

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