UHS Changes in Exam Pattern Approves Officially

On Thursday, the University of Health Sciences (UHS) approved modifications to the intermediate module exam (IMM) format for postgraduate clinical degree programs leading to the MS and MD.

The Advanced Studies and Research Board (ASRB) met for the 196th time and approved the UHS changes in exam pattern. Prof. Ahsan Waheed Rathore, Vice-Chancellor, presided over the meeting.

Under the new structure, a single paper will be prepared in place of several papers for each specialization within general surgery or medicine. In addition, questions about specialization have been removed from IMM.


There will also be unified exam papers for general medicine, which covers medicine and associated subjects, and general surgery, which covers surgery and related specializations. There will be one hundred multiple-choice questions on each paper.

In addition, there will be 70 questions on general surgical principles (apart from anesthesia) and another 30 questions on basic sciences (anatomy, physiology, pathology, and pharmacology).

Similar to this, there will be 100 questions in the Anesthesia paper, 40 of which will come from general surgery and medicine and 20 from the basic sciences.

Thirty questions from the basic sciences and seventy from general medical principles will make up the combined medical and Allied paper.

The IMM theory paper for pediatrics will have 70 questions about the fundamentals of pediatric medicine and 30 questions about basic sciences.

Each of the ten Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) stations will receive ten marks under the revised framework for clinical examinations.

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