Inmate Children’s Educational Facilities Undergo Inspection

Deputy Commissioner Zaheer Anwar Jappa paid visits to the juvenile jail and the Borstal Institute in Bahawalpur.

He examined the educational resources of the Borstal Reformatory School, which was set up for the children of prisoners.

This time, he was accompanied by Superintendent Jail Yasir Ejaz, CEO of Education Muhammad Akram, and Additional Commissioner of Nation Jam Aftab Hussain.

The school’s classes were visited by the deputy commissioner.

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After getting to know the children, he inquired about the educational resources. The children were counseled by the Deputy Commissioner to study diligently.

Deputy Commissioner Bahawalpur stated that in order for the students of Borstal Reformatory School to be able to contribute to the needs of modern society, they should also be taught IT knowledge and skills.

After being freed from prison, the Deputy Commissioner counseled the kids to finish their studies in order to improve their employment prospects.

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