Will Quaid-e-Azam Day be A Public Holiday this Year?

After the federal government decided to abolish Iqbal Day as a public holiday in 2015, everyone in Pakistan had questions regarding public holidays.

Despite former Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s decision to reinstate Iqbal Day as a national holiday, most were skeptical this year. However, the government’s formal declaration of a public holiday cleared any suspicions.

Also Read: Pakistan’s December Holidays Mark Double Celebration

Now, there are similar doubts regarding Quaid-e-Azam Day be A Public Holiday when the entire country commemorates the birthday of Pakistan’s founder, Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

The Cabinet Division publishes a list of all public holidays for the entire year at the start of each year. According to the list, December 25th has been proclaimed a national holiday throughout the country.

Furthermore, the Christian community will get two days off for Christmas, December 25 and 26. Because December 25 falls on a Monday, the bulk of the country will have a long weekend.

Across the country, however, special rituals will be performed to mark Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s birthday.

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My name is Muhammad Ehsan I had been part of different websites and news agencies as well. I am interested in Media and news writing.

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