Prolonged Teacher Boycott Threatens PU Shutdown

The Peshawar University Teachers Association (PUTA) has threatened PU Shutdown to cancel courses in protest over the professors’ unpaid salaries.

In an interview with a media outlet, a PUTA representative said that Class III and Class IV workers have been on strike for the past few months over unpaid salaries.

He continued by saying that the teaching staff refrained from taking part in the demonstration out of concern for their students.

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But they have to make a position because they can no longer afford to ignore the urgent issues.

The official also said that Dr. Muhammad Idrees, the former vice-chancellor, was to blame for the university’s present financial predicament, calling it the worst in the institution’s 70-year existence.

PUTA has issued a statement demanding that urgent action be done to guarantee salary payments within the following day.

In addition, it has threatened to hold a sit-in outside the governor’s mansion if its demands are not fulfilled right now.

It should be mentioned that the province’s public institutions have been struggling with financial problems for a while now.

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My name is Muhammad Ehsan I had been part of different websites and news agencies as well. I am interested in Media and news writing.

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