Habib University Unveils Lecture Series on ‘Reshaping Philanthropy in the Islamic World’

Leading Liberal Arts University in Pakistan, Habib University, held its inaugural lecture on the topic of “Universities as Nurseries of Ethical Leadership and Social Responsibility for the Advancement of Muslim Societies” on Wednesday, January 17, 2024. Dr. Hasnain Walji, Executive Director of United Global Initiative, gave the lecture. Habib University is known for its innovative approach to liberal arts education.

Habib institution is a special community-owned institution in Pakistan that is dedicated to providing higher education for everyone. It has been at the forefront of reforming philanthropy to direct resources into higher education, an area that is frequently disregarded. The University’s aim, which takes its ethos from the Islamic value of giving, is aligned with the inauguration of this lecture series.

In his discussion of higher education, Dr. Walji—a medical researcher, educator, author, and social entrepreneur—emphasized the critical role that colleges play in producing morally upright leaders and conscientious citizens.

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He clarified the distinct position that Muslim civilizations, whose religion and culture play a significant role in daily life, have concerning higher education institutions. According to Dr. Walji, universities play a crucial role in helping young people develop social consciousness and ethical principles so they can grow up to be responsible leaders who uphold Islamic values and have a beneficial impact on their communities. This makes colleges seem like the perfect places for society’s moral renewal in a way that fosters sustainable futures.

Dr. Walji emphasized the importance of philanthropic investments and Zakat for higher education. “The idea of Reshaping Philanthropy in the Islamic World means when we have to do something for humanity, we give something close to our heart,” he added.

He went on, “The philanthropists in our communities need to understand one thing: ignorance has a far greater cost of impact than education. If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.”

The seminar started with Dr. Nauman Naqvi, an associate professor of comparative humanities at Habib University, emphasizing the values that characterize Muslim civilization: love, generosity, and sacrifice.

According to Dr. Naqvi, “Pakistan is the most giving country in the world, but ironically, generosity in higher education is not taken seriously.”

A Habib University documentary on the value of charity and the Islamic concept of Zakat was presented to kick off the session. It emphasized the important role that giving plays in our culture and how it may help society as a whole when it is focused on higher education. The documentary also included success tales of Habib University students who have benefited directly from donations.

The lovely 1,400-year-old Islamic custom of zakat maintains social welfare and communal development in Islam. Since its founding, Habib University has given scholarships and financial help totaling over $8 million (PKR1,250) million to worthy students such as Zakat. Habib University has upheld the esteemed Islamic custom of generosity and philanthropy in this way.

The talk brought attention to the important role that higher education institutions play in fostering academic freedom, critical thinking, and cultural values in the creation of a just and sustainable society for both the present and the future.

It also showed how dedicated Habib University is to producing thinking leaders whose abilities to lead transcend beyond the classroom and professional growth to the community at large.

“It is indeed our Mohsineen that have redirected a great amount of generosity to establish a world-class institution like Habib University,” said Mr. Wasif A. Rizvi, President of Habib University, in his concluding remarks.

Prominent benefactors, businesspeople, influencers, and other influential members of the community, such as Marzia Habib, Rafiq Muhammad Habib’s daughter, Shamim Rajani, Co-Founder of Code Girls, Shahid Abdullah, Director of The Citizens Foundation’s Board of Governors, and Ali Naqi Taqi, CEO of Travel Solutions Ltd., praised Habib University for its distinctive and contextually grounded intellectual experience and its dedication to guaranteeing worthy students in Pakistan access to higher education.

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