South Punjab Districts Host Student Council Elections

Student Council Elections In Middle and High Schools of South Punjab

Commissioner Bahawalpur Division Dr. Ehtasham Anwar said that the student council elections held across the state-funded public schools of all regions of south Punjab were an exemplary drive of its sort in the country.

He offered these comments while noticing the appointment of the student council elections winners here. He also said that contemporary to students’ union, where students with political tendencies participated, the rules for student council election for school is to be hardworking, punctual, and disciplined students could participate in the elections.

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Besides, the whole peculiarity of student council election would work in a restrained and controlled manner and a serious offense really might prompt their removal.

According to the responsibilities, it was expressed that the student council meetings would essentially put together co-curricular and sports exercises on the grounds.

Also, they would complete 2-way correspondence between the school organization and the students on issues of common worry, as and when required.

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In Locale Bahawalpur in excess of 110,7225 students cast their votes to choose office bearers including Presidents, VPs, General Secretaries, and Class agents in 478 middle and high schools — both boys and girls.

Long lines of voters were seen outside the make-shift polling booths in schools since early morning that was amped up for casting their votes.

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My name is Muhammad Ehsan I had been part of different websites and news agencies as well. I am interested in Media and news writing.

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