System Limited Has Started the Second Batch of IT Mustakbil Training Program

System Limited has started the second batch of IT Mustakbil Training Program in partnership with the Ali Institute of Education after the successful completion of the first batch.

The orientation session was attended by 175 trainees and all were trained under the IT Mustakbil Training Program in Diploma in Computer Science.

Toima Asghar CHRO System Limited himself welcomed the trainees and their teachers. She asked them to follow in the footsteps of the graduates of Batch One, as they got jobs in System Limited and other companies, similarly, you guys will get a job in some company after this batch.

Living legend Babar Ali was present when batch two was conducted and he spoke to all the trainees and highlighted the purpose of starting this batch and how we are trying to train Pakistani youth.

He also said that we are giving you a learning opportunity and it now depends on you guys how much you use this opportunity to your advantage and you take this program very seriously as you know that the graduates of batch one have secured good jobs in various companies.

We have provided you with all the necessary facilities, now you should work hard and improve your life and work more for the betterment of your family and your country.

Asif Peer CEO and MD Systems Limited also shared his thoughts with the participants and the future prospects of the program. He promised that we will take this program not only in Lahore but also in other cities in Pakistan

He further said that we believe in leading from the front lines and said that other IT companies in Pakistan should also launch a similar program through which we can train many people in a short period of time.
If anyone wants to do that, they can use our programs and the content that we have developed.

He also intended that we will do whatever possible to give you quality content and training and as much as possible we will also give you jobs.

Sana Ahmed, the topper of ITM Batch One welcomed all the participants and then addressed the trainees and said I welcome you to this learning and growth environment.

I assure you that this program has so much potential that it can brighten your future it can open many doors of opportunity for you to lead a better life and contribute to your country.

The next six months will be very important in deciding your life because the more you can exploit this opportunity the better it is.

Senior Leadership of Ali Institute of Education and System Ltd was also present.

System Limited Has Started the Second Batch of IT Mustakbil Training Program

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My name is Muhammad Ehsan I had been part of different websites and news agencies as well. I am interested in Media and news writing.

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