Postgraduate Medical Institute Started Evening Classes In Nursing Colleges

PGMI Head Prof Al-Fareed Zafar On Monday Said That the Start of Evening Classes In Nursing Colleges Of The Region Was A Notable Drive In The Health Department.

According to media news, he said the drive for evening classes in nursing colleges would decidedly affect nursing health education and would enormously assist with eliminating the deficiency of trained nursing staff.

Prof Al-Fareed featured that an enormous number of trained nurses would profit from the evening shift classes, which wouldn’t just fortify the medical care framework but additionally work on the nature of patient care in clinics.

Also Read: Chief Minister Unveils Ambitious Initiative to Double Nursing Student Enrollment

There were many employment opportunities in the emergency clinics of foreign nations and the decision should make way for various qualified medical caretakers to work abroad, which wouldn’t just work to improve the financial state of many families but also carry a ton of remittances to Pakistan.

The PGMI chief said the female students studying in the evening classes would also get a payment of Rs31,470 each month according to the government strategy.

He added that FSc pass students ought to join the field of nursing with the soul of serving the ailing humankind, which wouldn’t just tackle the issue of unemployment of educated females yet in addition offer them a chance to serve patients for the joy of Allah Almighty.

Also Read: 91 % of Nursing Schools and Colleges in Sindh Are Fraudulent

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My name is Muhammad Ehsan I had been part of different websites and news agencies as well. I am interested in Media and news writing.

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