HEC Unveils Exciting CPEC Photography Contest

CPEC Photography Contest

Higher Education Commission (HEC) has reported a cross-country photography Contest, with prize cash of up to Rs. 100,000. The declaration was made on HEC’s online social media accounts.

Who Can Take Part in This Contest?

It doesn’t make any difference whether you are a beginner or an expert photographer; everybody is urged to exhibit their abilities. Moreover, there is no age limitation to take part in the Contest.


The topic of the photography Contest is ‘CPEC projects and their significant effect on the economy, framework, and climate in Pakistan.’ The photos ought to feature the best CPEC projects the nation over.

Prize Cash

A sum of 10 awards will be dispersed among the members.

The principal prize of Rs. 100,000 will be given to only one person. Be that as it may, three checks of Rs. 80,000 each will be given to three members for the subsequent award.

Additionally, six checks of Rs. 50,000 will be appropriated among six photographic artists for the third award.

Instructions to Submit Your Photograph

To win the monetary reward, members ought to email their photographs to [email protected] in JPG design. Besides, the email ought to likewise contain a scanned copy of your CNIC or visa and contact subtleties.

Furthermore, each photo should have the picture taker’s name and email address. In particular, remember to express “My Photograph” in the title of your email.

Cutoff Date

The last date to present your photos for the contest is October 9, 2023.

Also Read:Higher Education Commission (HEC) Restricts Direct University Contracts with International NGOs

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My name is Muhammad Ehsan I had been part of different websites and news agencies as well. I am interested in Media and news writing.

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