How To Be Consistent For Studies and Preparation of CSS, PMS FPSC and PPSC

Be it CSS or PMS both are neither difficult nor easy but they can be made easy with Discipline and Consistency you can make them accessible. Read 7-8 hours a day, read well, practice writing, write a paragraph or two a day, make notes, solve past papers after completing a subject, and most importantly, don’t overthink and believe in yourself, everything will be fine.

How to be Consistent:

If you want to be consistent, then this article is for you.

  • First of all, keep in mind that results do not come overnight. Consistency is the way you can achieve anything you want. Any person has not become successful overnight but after many years of sleepless nights. It is the work of many years of pain, hard work, and persistence.
  • Man is what he does daily. Consistency will not even come close to you unless you make it your habit. Good habits are built by working on them daily and not by occasional impulses.
  • Small daily steps may not seem to be making any impact, but in reality, they are creating a huge impact. When a person looks back after a year or so, he realizes that so much work has been done. So don’t be afraid of the boring process of hard work but keep moving forward thinking about the results. Our small step brings us closer to the destination.
  • Consistency is a choice. If we want to do something, we will do what will bring us success.
  • Don’t sit, don’t think. Start doing it. Take the first step that you are afraid of. The first attempt is boring, but as you start walking, a natural flow comes and you do it. But you have to take the first step.
  • Create a routine that can be continued and sustainable. Don’t make such a strict routine that you sit down exhausted after a week. Just one or two hours daily give results sometimes more than ten hours continuously.
  • Every habit takes time to build. You do it. Use your willpower. One day good habits will become a part of your life.
  • Do your most important tasks first. So that whatever you’re most important task, practice is already done. There was no break in it.
  • Always remember that it’s OK to miss a day but never two”. Take a break sometimes and give yourself time, but not every other day. Once a month, a traveler takes a breather, stops, and then continues.
  • Choose your friends wisely whether they are online or offline. We get positive thinking, and energy from each other.


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My name is Muhammad Ehsan I had been part of different websites and news agencies as well. I am interested in Media and news writing.

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