MMC Enters Agreement to Set Up State-of-the-Art Catheterization Laboratory

The Mardan Medical Complex (MMC) on Thursday accomplished a landmark as it finalized a deal to lay out a Catheterization Laboratory (Cath Lab) through a spearheading Public-Private Partnership (PPP) mode.

The understanding was officially inked by Hospital Director (HD) Dr. Tariq Mahmood in a function held in the committee room of the Administration Block.

The Hospital has consented to the arrangement with the Canon Company under which they will give hardware and maintenance and many more services to the medical facility.

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Dr. Tariq Mahmood communicated pride in this accomplishment, featuring the hospital’s achievement in cooperating with a confidential venture to satisfy the critical requirement for this facility in Mardan.

“Today denotes a stupendous event as we settled the draft understanding, making ready for the foundation of the Cath Lab inside MMC. I stretch out my genuine congrats to every one of the people who assumed a crucial part in achieving this striking achievement,” he commented. He underscored the significance of MMC being the trailblazer in achieving such an agreement with a private entity for the establishment of a vital facility within a public sector health institution.

Recognizing the planned endeavors of the board of trustees that pondered over the understanding’s modalities, he commended the instrumental jobs of key figures remembering For charge Cardiology Division, Associate Professor Dr. NoorulHadi, director of finance, Muhammad Sheraz, and manager of procurement, Mr. Muhammad Khalid.

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He said their energetic endeavors and fastidious arranging were critical in finishing the complex subtleties of the understanding, denoting a momentous forward-moving step in the foundation of the Catheterization Laboratory facility.

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