New NADRA NICOP Fee Structure Rolled Out in August 2023: Stay Informed about the Latest Changes and Updates

National Identity Card for Overseas Pakistanis (NICOP) is an enrollment record given by NADRA to a qualified resident of Pakistan who lives abroad.

Any resident of Pakistan can apply for NICOP and can venture out to Pakistan without requiring a visa in the event of a double identity. The identification number is a compulsory pre-essential in the event of applying for NICOP of newly conceived children assuming that they are born abroad

Instructions to Apply for NICOP:

You can apply for your NICOP by either visiting NADRA Registration Center (NRC) or through the Pak-Identity site.

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NADRA Registration Center (NRC):

You can apply by going to the closest NADRA Registration Center (NRC).

  • Following are the means that you will be following at the NRC
  • Your photo will be taken
  • Your fingerprints and signature mark will be taken
  • Your necessary information section will be entered and the form will be printed to be surveyed by the person itself.
  • You will be given over a printed form of your application.
  • When the form is printed and given to you, if it’s not too much trouble, present the form to the concerned NRC after you have gotten it confirmed by a gazetted official.
  • On the off chance that any of your blood relatives (father/mother/sibling/sister/child/girl) is accessible at the hour of utilization at the NRC, their biometrics can be caught and thus verification of the credentials isn’t needed.

Pak Identity Site:

A resident can apply for Smart National Identity Card for Overseas Pakistanis (SNICOP) by visiting the Pak Identity site and having it conveyed to your doorstep

NICOP Fee Design:

NADRA has two charge structures for NICOP in light of locales. It has two classifications Zone A and Zone B with various expenses. Here is all the relevant information for expenses;

Here the candidates can check the rundown of nations in Zone A and Zone B.

New NADRA NICOP Fee Structure Rolled Out in August 2023: Stay Informed about the Latest Changes and Updates

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My name is Muhammad Ehsan I had been part of different websites and news agencies as well. I am interested in Media and news writing.

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