With a nearly 70% market share, Google Chrome continues to be the most widely used web browser globally. Chrome remains the most commonly utilized browser, in contrast to the built-in browsers on operating systems such as Windows, Mac, and iOS.
However, because it is the most frequently utilized tool, it is also the primary target of cyber-attacks. On the other hand, Google is heavily investing in security and privacy enhancements to ensure the online experiences of users in the future. Google is working for the safety of its users and for protecting their privacy.
For this purpose, Google is improving features day by day. Chrome’s “Private Network Access Checks for Navigation Requests” is one of such improvements. It works by keeping an eye on websites that are trying to access the private network.
This function seeks to safeguard devices linked to users’ home networks. It will grant access to only safe websites and will lower the possibility of cyber-attacks.
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Another feature, called “Custom Network Access Controls for Browsing Requests,” checks if requests to connect with users’ private networks are secure. It helps developers certify websites as secure sources and guarantees that only authorized devices can access the network.
This feature is not present in any version of Chrome at the moment, but it should be available for desktop PCs and Android smartphones in Chrome 123 or 124.
Google’s security initiatives are essential for customers’ protection as connected devices become the target of increasing hacks and smart home technology gains popularity.