Imran Khan AI Speech Goes Viral Amid Internet Suspension

Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan AI speech created history by campaigning and signaling a paradigm shift in political tactics. Khan’s party, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), used an AI voice clone from elevenLabs, a renowned business that just earned $19 million in venture capital investment.

AI audio-generation software is making its political debut in Pakistan, ushering in a new era of online political participation. As the key elections on February 8, 2024, get closer, the PTI’s use of AI technology represents a paradigm leap in political communication.

CNN underlined AI’s importance in combating governmental repression, while The Guardian stressed its usefulness in allowing Imran Khan to campaign from prison. According to Time Magazine, a five-hour “virtual powershow” comprising archive material and ElevenLab’s synthetic audio engine effortlessly replicating Khan’s voice was created.

According to The Washington Post, The Verge, and, PTI’s social media team mixed historical footage with synthetic sounds to create a captivating film. The BBC juxtaposed Khan’s four-minute prison-written address with an AI-generated picture to demonstrate the party’s difficulties in staging public gatherings.

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In Pakistan, Twitter, YouTube, and other internet sites fell. According to the BBC, the PTI held a “virtual rally” using AI. Khan’s voice clone congratulated the social media team for their historic effort and emphasized the party’s commitment to genuine freedom.

PTI’s media adviser, Zulfiqar Bukhari, praised the event’s broad reach with six million views on YouTube and Facebook. Despite his imprisonment, Khan urged followers to vote in huge numbers in the next elections, citing authorities’ crackdown on the PTI, which has limited their public and political activity.

As The Atlantic’s CEO, Nicholas Thompson, commented, an imprisoned political figure’s unique use of AI speech technology is a tribute to the rapid improvements in technology—a fascinating achievement at the crossroads of politics and artificial intelligence.

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My name is Muhammad Ehsan I had been part of different websites and news agencies as well. I am interested in Media and news writing.

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