Infinix Named Top Mobile Phone Brand at CES 2024

During the 2023-2024 Worldwide Top Brands Award held during the Consumer Electronics Show 2024 (CES), one of the greatest and most significant tech occasions on the planet for the consumer electronics industry, Infinix, an in-vogue tech brand intended for younger consumers, was honored with the renowned “Most Innovative Cell Phone Brand” award.

With this prestigious award, Infinix was acknowledged for its outstanding contributions to mobile phone technology as well as its unrelenting dedication to pushing the envelope of innovation.

Laid out in 2006 by the International Data Group (IDG) with participation from the International Data Corporation (IDC), the Worldwide Top Brands Award is a profoundly respected discussion that recognizes industry improvements, energizes discourse, and gives sagacious information.

It has immovably set up a good foundation for itself as a critical expert in the consumer electronics market, distributed every year through “CES Daily” and “Twice.”

This determination, which is driven by the subject “Innovation Shaping a Digital Future,” evaluates brands as per their unmistakable quality in the area, overall brilliant course of action, influence on unfamiliar business sectors, and the imaginativeness of their items.

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The CEO of Infinix, Benjamin Jiang, highlighted the company’s unwavering commitment to innovation during the award ceremony, saying, “Innovation is at the core of Infinix’s DNA.” We continuously work to provide the innovative and useful solutions that today’s youthful consumers want.

Our knowledgeable staff has created cutting-edge technologies through significant research and partnerships with top technology universities, which have given us many ground-breaking concepts.

A Rising Star in the World of Smartphones: Infinix

Since its launch in 2013, Infinix has quickly grown in popularity among millennial consumers all around the world. Today, more than 70 nations and territories, including those in Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, South Asia, and Southeast Asia, carry its products.

In Q3 2023, Infinix secured a place in the top 10 worldwide smartphone brand rankings by achieving the greatest year-over-year gain in units among global smartphone brands, according to IDC’s Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker.

When it comes to innovation, Infinix has regularly outperformed the competition in recent years, especially when it comes to charging methods. The industry was significantly impacted when the ZERO ULTRA smartphone with 180W Thunder Charge technology was released.

With the release of its innovative 260W wired and 110W wireless all-scenario fast charging technology in 2023, Infinix became the first company in the industry to provide “All-Round FastCharge” solutions.

Showstopper CES 2024 saw Infinix present three ground-breaking technical innovations:

Infinix E-Color Shift:

The first mobile phone back panel technology that can be customized using E Ink PrismTM 3 ePaper film is the Infinix E-Color Shift. With this state-of-the-art technology, customers may customize their mobile phone panels and keep the colors bright without using up too much energy.

Infinix AirCharge:

The primary attractive magnetic resonance safe wireless charging solution to be commercially feasible was presented by Infinix AirCharge. It allows clients to utilize their gadgets while charging by permitting them to charge them from a distance of 0 to 20 centimeters without coming into direct contact with charging pads.

Infinix Extreme-Temp Battery:

The Infinix Extreme-Temp Battery is the main battery innovation in the industry that can be charged at – 40 degrees Celsius, a very cool temperature. Indeed, even at very cool temperatures, this earth-shattering creation ensures ordinary battery activity and enormously speeds up the charging system.

The award that Infinix received at CES 2024 solidifies its position as a pioneer in the field of innovation and highlights the company’s diverse strategy for investigating the possibilities of charging solutions in the field of mobile technology.

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My name is Muhammad Ehsan I had been part of different websites and news agencies as well. I am interested in Media and news writing.

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