How to Check E-Driving License on Mobile Phones

Residents of Punjab can now check their driver’s licenses to their smartphones thanks to a new online service offered by the Traffic Police of the province.

It is required for residents to have their license cards on them at all times when operating a vehicle, as police officers may request them for verification.

If the citizen fails to present the driving permit, the police will issue a traffic ticket. Residents can present police officers with a soft copy of their license on their phones to avoid receiving a driving citation.

Also Read: E-Driving License Facility Launched, Revolutionizing Licensing Process


  • Go to to access the official Punjab Traffic Police website…
  • Enter your delivery date in the format DD-MM-YYYY and your whole 13-digit CNIC variety in the designated fields (e.g., 01-01-1990 for January 1, 1990).
  • If needed, you can share the E-DL file electronically with others or print it out for physical reference.
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My name is Muhammad Ehsan I had been part of different websites and news agencies as well. I am interested in Media and news writing.

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