Kuwait Offers Three-Month Grace Period for Biometric Fingerprint Registration

According to state-run news agency KUNA, Kuwait has announced that people would be required to undergo biometric fingerprint registration for three months, beginning in March.

This is done to have an appreciated security system for travelers and citizens. The Initiative intends to be applied to all transactions in a centralized biometric database system and is one of the cornerstones of Kuwait’s modernization of its security system.

The Ministry of Interior has said that non-compliant persons would have their transactions halted if they do not complete the registration requirement within the allotted period.

One significant step in enhancing Kuwait’s security protocols and boosting productivity across the board is the implementation of a centralized biometric system.

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Residents and citizens must register on time to prevent delays in transactions and guarantee a seamless transfer to the new system. It is beneficial for them if they do it on time.

The biometric fingerprinting services offered by the Ministry of Interior are now available to residents, GCC citizens, and Kuwaiti nationals at all border crossings, including Kuwait International Airport and approved enrollment locations.

Several enrollment sites with biometric scanners have been set up at airports and retail places to make fingerprint collection easier for both citizens and locals.

Travelers are permitted to leave Kuwait without registering their fingerprints as long as they finish the process when they return, according to this system, which applies to citizens of Kuwait and the GCC as well as foreign residents who are 18 years of age and older.

The ministry emphasizes that the central biometric database’s deployment will strengthen national security protocols and expedite access to certain public services using digital identity authentication.

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My name is Muhammad Ehsan I had been part of different websites and news agencies as well. I am interested in Media and news writing.

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