Due To The Implementation Of 3G And 4G Services Of The Mobile Network In Pakistan, Two Lakh Job Opportunities Have Been Created For The Unemployed Youth.

To meet the requirements of the modern age, Pakistan Mobile Network has launched 3G and 4G services in Pakistan.

Due to the introduction of these mobile services, two lakh job opportunities have been created for the unemployed youth in Pakistan which is very promising.

The mobile network operator has planned to install towers across Pakistan to improve 3G and 4G services, leading to direct and indirect employment opportunities.

According to the data provided by the telecom sector, since the launch of 3G 4G services in Pakistan, 2 lakh job opportunities have been created, of which 5,780 are direct job creation by telecom companies and the rest are indirect opportunity creation. 

These include mobile phone shops, franchises, tower manufacturers, tower installation companies, tower security stops, and contract and service companies.

Along with this, the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority has given 30 authorizations to mobile device manufacturing companies, which has created 50 thousand job opportunities.

All these freelancing jobs are not included like e-banking e-commerce amazon services Fiver services up work services jobs are not included in these jobs

According to the given data, there are currently 40,200 workers working in the telecom industry and currently, there are 128 million broadband subscribers in Pakistan.

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My name is Muhammad Ehsan I had been part of different websites and news agencies as well. I am interested in Media and news writing.

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